We are so proud to be commissioned by Berkshire Hathaway for the third year to create custom gifts for their shareholders meeting this Spring, 2011. Warren Buffet’s image again graces the charm of the custom bottle stopper. This year the theme is “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles”. Look how our graphic artist made Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger into pilots!

Berkshire Hathaway also has a “BRK” logo that is really sophisticated. They asked us to create this custom notepad. We found the perfect grosgrain ribbon to wrap around the paper for a wonderful presentation.

You don’t have to be Warren Buffett or Berkshire Hathaway to develop custom gifts. Some of our most re-ordered custom designs are from small towns. Think of your special location, painting, photo, or logo. Contact us and we will show you how it will look at no charge on one of our gifts. Our email is sales@classiclegacy.com This is one of my favorite custom gifts. Luigi’s celebrated 100 years and gave these custom bottle stoppers to their top customers. This vintage image showed the founders. What a tribute!