“You’ve got to give a little, take a little, and let your whole heart break a little. That’s the story of, that’s the glory of love.” I didn’t know until just a few days ago that Warren Buffett sang and played the ukulele! I wanted to add music to my simple video of the custom Berkshire Hathaway bottle stoppers that Classic Legacy created for the 2014 BRK Shareholders conference. I searched and found this YouTube video of Warren Buffett singing with Jon Bon Jovi. The unlikely pairing came about out of a desire to help the world. Both of these men are great philanthropists. They are both encouraging everyone who is able to GIVE. I made a simple video of the custom bottle stoppers in the Classic Legacy studio and added the singing of Warren Buffett and Bon Jovi.
I do admire Warren Buffett. I admire him as a good businessman and also as a giver. These are more quotes from Warren Buffett.

I do enjoy serving businesses by creating custom gifts for them. It is such fun to learn the personalities behind the businesses as well. I created a Slideshare that highlights the above designs for Berkshire Hathaway plus many more. Click here to view the Slideshare.