Luxury hotels like the Waldorf Astoria in New York City know that their guests and clients value top-notch service, exquisitely appointed rooms, gourmet food, and custom gifts that will bring back memories of a wonderful visit. World class merchandising done well, can stir emotions and influence behavior. We enjoy learning what our customer’s need are and how we can best serve those needs. These are some of the things that we learned about developing luxury custom gifts.
Custom Medallion Request Pewter & Enamel
Classic Legacy creates custom medallions that are incorporated in our custom gifts. We have two methods of doing this…the first method is a photographic process and the second method involves making a pewter medallion. The pewter medallion is what The Waldorf chose. First we require a detailed drawing of the logo, then a model is made, and when the model is approved then a mold is made to then produce the final medallion. The medallion is then plating in whatever finish is required. Enamel can also be added to the medallion. Here is how the pewter medallion looks plain and plated with black enamel.

Wine and Bar Accessories
We are known for our wine and bar accessories. The Waldorf Astoria medallion is perfect to embellish our wine bottle stoppers, shot glasses, and our flask set. These are best sellers and are favorites because they are not only a great gift but will be used again and again.

Waldorf Astoria Desk Accessories
One of the things that are valued most is a hand-written note or letter. That does not happen often enough and when it does it is remembered. The Classic Legacy notepad is embellished with the custom medallion as is the custom letter opener.

Waldorf Astoria Silver Photo Frame
The Waldorf Astoria NYC is a world-class hotel. Our silver photo frame with the black enamel medallion is the perfect way to frame all your photos of New York.

We are proud to be a partner with The Waldorf Astoria in New York. The process to create custom pewter medallions takes about four weeks. We always create samples first so you can actually see what the finished design will look like. Each job is different in the complexity of the project so custom quotes are available for pricing. I’m always available to answer questions about designing custom luxury gifts.