Every town has something special to celebrate. Classic Legacy specializes in creating custom gifts. We work with many large hotels, resorts, and corporations. We, however, especially love to serve small towns and local businesses. Many small towns have beautiful historic courthouses. These buildings are treasures. We have learned that people want to remember their small town landmarks and custom gifts are a wonderful way to celebrate and remember the beauty and history in small towns. We offer to create a presentation for you at no charge. Here are some examples of our custom work with courthouses in small towns.
Jasper County, Mo Courthouse
My friends at All Things Grand in Carthage and Joplin Missouri received permission from the artist of the Jasper County courthouse. We created many wonderful gifts using this image. The shape of the image is cropped for the round settings but you always see this great courthouse. Residents love to celebrate their history and buildings!

Granbury Texas Courthouse
Granbury Texas has a beautiful courthouse. This image was given to us and we then developed custom gifts using this image.

Conway South Carolina Courthouse
Conway South Carolina has two landmarks that are especially important for their town. The courthouse and the clock. We were given images of both of these and through Photoshop magic we enabled both to stand out. Custom Gifts with this image were a hit. Everyone loves Christmas ornaments to celebrate and remember the history of small towns.

We look forward to helping you celebrate your small town. We provide a presentation at no charge. Please just provide us with a high resolution jpeg image and we will be glad to show you how your painting or photo will look on Classic Legacy custom gifts. Click here to request a presentation.