Scotland has come to Shreveport. Lewis’ Gifts is the place to find wonderful gifts. It is the gathering spot for wonderful lunch outings at Biscotti’s as well. I met Mary Jean, the owner of Lewis’ Gifts, several years ago at the Dallas market. We have kept in touch via email and our blog. Each year the Shreveport Cotillion chooses a theme for their event. This year the theme is The Scotland Highland Hunt . When she telephoned to ask if we had any Scottish theme gifts I just smiled and said, YES!

Scottish Theme Gifts
When I first learned of Mary Jean’s request it was important to also know that these gifts would be for the Shreveport Cotillion. This year the theme’s focus is celebrating the bounty of a royal hunt, where nature rules supreme in the rugged elegance of the Scottish Highlands. Harrison Smith will reign as king.

More About Lewis Gifts
I just might take a drive to Shreveport sometime! The more I learned about Lewis Gifts the more I liked! They have a bridal registry with more than 30 brides a month. Lewis Gifts is very philanthropic in the Shreveport community supporting galleries, clubs, organizations, and schools. Biscotti’s restaurant began 10 years ago. It is a place for luncheons, showers, rehearsal dinners, and corporate events. Thanks Lewis Gifts for following us through the years and sharing with us the events of your community.

Developing Themes
I love shopping and dining at unique places. Lewis’ Gifts is just such a place. Thanks Mary Jean for sharing the story of Lewis’ Gifts. I enjoy serving retailers, hotels, museums, and corporations develop gifts with themes or custom design. That is the specialty of Classic Legacy. If you would like more information about Classic Legacy click here. Make sure to never miss any of our updates. We like to feature our customers, new designs, and new trends.