The 4th of July for my family is a time to celebrate the heritage of the USA, to be thankful for our country, and to be with family. We get together for a family meal, play ball in the backyard, and sometimes go swimming. These are some of the things you will see in my backyard this year. I have a Pinterest board for Classic Legacy called red, white, and blue. Be sure to check that out and find even more ideas to help you celebrate!

As I celebrate this year I am thankful for our clients whom we serve. Here are some recent custom gifts that we have created that reflect the USA. Be sure to click on the flask to see one of our first Instagram videos!

We have worked with many USA AirForce groups and created custom bottle stoppers with their logos. This one for Scott AirForce Base is one of my favorites. It really reflects the red, white, and blue that we celebrate on the 4th of July.

Christmas ornaments are some of our most popular gifts. This Christmas ornament celebrates the city of Conway, South Carolina. This image is actually a combination of two photos. It features the courthouse and the clock.

Have a wonderful holiday this July 4th!