Quotes embellish wine gifts. Let’s have fun. I’ve created some designs using fun chemistry quotes. inspiring logos, and great sayings. These wine gifts are custom made. Personalized gift guidelines do apply. I wanted to give you some ideas!
Quotes Embellish Wine Gifts with Chemistry Symbols
Chemistry quotes are combinations of chemical symbols for the periodic table. I discovered all sorts of combinations that create fun and engaging quotes to liven up our wine bottle stoppers and marble coasters. These are some of my favorites.

Another chemical symbol turned into a fun wine gift is “AH” This symbol might just be the “element of surprise”.

The word “Fine” is created using another group of chemical elements. “You must be made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon….because you’re so FINE.

Quotes Embellish Wine Gifts With Encouraging Words
Quotes are some of my favorite things to discover. I especially love to find quotes on Pinterest and apply them to my business philosophy. Click here to view my Quote Board on Pinterest. When you reach the end of your rope, it is good advice to tie a knot and hang on!

Difficult roads to often lead to beautiful destinations. I love this advice and remember it often when I am on a difficult road.

Kindness does change everything. Don’t you agree? Even if I am on a difficult road a kind word makes that journey possible.

As a child I loved to fall asleep with an open window and hear a good thunder storm. I knew it would not last forever!

Another quote that I love is this. “Every day may not be good, but there is good in every day.

“My current situation is not my final destination.” I am an optimist. Simon Sineck is one of my favorite speakers. He said, Optimism is different than positive – and it’s definitely not naive. Optimism is the belief that the future is positive, that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and we’re heading there, together.” To listen to his short YouTube video on this topic click here.

Lighthouses are built to perform a very important function, that is to shine light on darkness. It is important to let your light shine, and there is nothing little about the light you shine.

Logos Embellish Wine Gifts
As a creator of wine accessories such as custom wine bottle stoppers and custom marble coasters clients often want to highlight their own logos. These are some good examples that also highlight their philosophy. Graceland lets you know this is the “Home of Elvis Presley”.

The Del Mar National’s logo is perfect to showcase their horses. I know the wine bottle stopper and coaster are gifts that are treasured.

Shelby Farms Park is in Memphis. The park is bigger than Central Park in New York and is a lovely place to walk and enjoy nature. One of their attractions is the buffalo that roam in a certain section of the park. The logo on these wine gifts is sure to remind Shelby Farm park visitors of this special place!

These wine gifts are currently in the conception stage or are exclusive to their organization. I would love to work with YOU to create fun and memorable wine accessories. We have a free resource of ideas and guidelines to create custom gifts. Click here or on the arrow below to receive your free resource.