Classic Legacy specializes in personalized and custom gifts. Many historic hotels have found that our gifts are perfect for their gift stores and marketing departments. There are several things to consider when choosing a vendor to create custom gifts and they are:
Classic Legacy has the experience and pleasure of serving many historic hotels over the past 20 years. We have learned what is important to each hotel and what their customers like. We believe it is important to listen and from listening we learn. For instance we learned that the Hotel Del Coronadoloves crowns and they love their history. We worked with an old black and white drawing and enhanced this image to create this lovely medallion for many of their custom gifts.Shot Glass with Hotel Del Vintage Crown Logo Designed by Classic Legacy 2. Knowledge
I believe in being a life-long learner. Creating custom gifts has certainly given me reasons to learn. I’ve learned how to use social media, I’ve learned a little about design, and I’ve learned about the history of many of the historic hotels that we serve. I know that The Brown Hotel and their guests love horses! I also know their lobby is full of fantastic marble and our marble bottle stoppers are a big hit with their customers.
Custom Marble Bottle stopper The Brown Hotel designed by Classic Legacy 3. Imagination
It is important for us to continually use our imagination and create wonderful custom gifts for our historic hotel clients. We try to “think outside the box” and remember that guests that come to historic hotels don’t want the same type of gifts that they get everywhere else. We designed this bottle stopper so that we could attach beads and charms to it. The Peabody in Memphisis known for the ducks that swim in the lobby of the hotel. The charms on this stopper include two ducks along with The Peabody logo. Customers love to purchase a gift that brings back memories of a good visit.Peabody Wine Bottle Stopper with Charms Designed by Classic Legacy 4. Personality
Personality is important…..not our personality although we strive to be kind and thoughtful but we want to learn the PERSONALITY of your hotel. What was it like when it first opened? What was it like 50 years ago? What is the personality of the hotel now? That is important to understand so that we know how to develop gifts just for your historic hotel. I’ve learned that the city of Bethlehem got named on Christmas eve by Count Zinzendorf in 1741. The Hotel Bethlehem has a star in their logo to represent the history of Bethlehem, PA. The marble coasters that we helped design for Hotel Bethlehemhelp tell the story of the history of their town. Every visitor seems to like these wonderful marble coasters.Hotel Bethlehem Marble Coaster by Classic Legacy Please remember it all begins with a high resolution jpeg image and then we can begin to create custom gifts. We would love to learn how we can serve you by creating wonderful custom gifts. Give us a call 888 645 3422.