Personalized gifts for birthdays are the BEST! I know that I have always remembered the gifts in which I could tell someone had taken that extra little step to make it personal and special. I think that is one reason that I enjoy creating gifts for others. It brings me joy to know that Classic Legacy creations are being used in a personal way to remember someone on their birthday. Here are some of the most popular personalized gifts available at Classic Legacy.
Bottle Stopper with Happy Birthday Theme
Our charmed and beaded bottle stopper is one of our best sellers. The charms included on this stopper include a present, a Happy Birthday Balloon, and the words Happy Birthday. The charms are colorful and cheerful. We also have a more tailored bottle stopper that is perfect for men. A wine bottle stopper is a wonderful gift that will be used. The recipient will also remember that they received this one on a special birthday!

Wine Carrier with a Special Personalized Theme
Think of a special theme that your friend likes. Do they have a favorite sports team? Do they love their heritage? I know that I sell lots of fleur de lis theme gifts. I think everyone in the state of Louisiana loves fleur de lis and this wine carrier in the purple color has been a big hit!

Initial Theme Gifts-Personalized Birthday Gifts
Initials are really popular and the perfect way to personalize a birthday gift. Classic Legacy has a large selection of Initial theme gifts. Every letter of the alphabet is available for all initial theme gifts. The marble coasters and marble bottle stoppers are great for men and women. I often get ask what are the top six letters…..and they are C D M R S T!

Creative Requests
Sometimes I confess I request something that is a little different…….I call these “creative requests”…….anyway I just had a birthday and I requested that the lights that I love that adorn my tree that looks outside my window be redone. I love to look out at night and see little twinkling lights. I will enjoy this present for many months! My advice is to be creative and think about giving a personalized gift for the next birthday occasion in your life.

Remember Birthdays
Through the years I have had a variety of calendars and event books to remember birthdays. I enjoy social media now and have found that the birthday reminder on Facebook is great! Embrace that for birthday reminders. Remember to be creative and seek personalize gifts for those you love.
I really like the lights on your tree. I enjoyed sharing your birthday with you.