You are never too old to set another goal or dream another dream. This is a quote by one of my favorite authors, C.S. Lewis. As a business owner I continually set goals and dream dreams. I encourage you to as well. Labor Day weekend is approaching and I’ve collected some quotes to encourage you! My father was a farmer and I love to go back and visit the farm. These photos were taken on the farm and they are a salute to all those who labor in our country. The photo above was taken in the barn. These are the tools used by father and grandfather and great-grandfather!

This photo of the old typewriter was taken in the A.Schwab store in Memphis, TN. Labor has also been at the hands of many in our offices throughout the USA. This typewriter has been well used and even today is being used for a display! I collect unique display ideas and you can see this typewriter being used for a display on my Pinterest Board Displays Ideas for Retailers. Let’s do celebrate the work of our hands!
Do celebrate this Labor Day and remember those who have labored in the past and the present. I like this quote of Albert Einstein. I am thankful that we labor in freedom.
As I was walking in the woods last fall I took a photo of these leaves in the creek. I am reminded now to always set another goal and dream another dream.
Labor Day is a time to reflect and to be thankful as well. My daughter framed this quote for me several years ago. It is good to remember that even as we labor it is God that is our strength.
Have a wonderful Labor Day. Come back refreshed. Keep setting another goal and dreaming another dream!