I’ve enjoyed learning more about the LBJ Foundation and museum store since I met Blair Newberry the retailer manager of the museum gift store. Classic Legacy is honored to be a part of the updating of this Presidential Library. The entire library is undergoing a new design. Mark K. Updegrove, LBJ Library Director, explains, “President Johnson insisted that the LBJ Library present an unvarnished look at his presidency, along with the triumphs and turmoil of the times. Now is our opportunity to present this story using 21st century technology with state-of-the art interactive elements.” The museum will double in size and here is a sneak peek at the gifts that will be available.
1. Wine Bottle Stopper with Custom LBJ Image
This wine bottle stopper is from our Silver Classic Collection. It features the logo of the LBJ Presidential Library. To create images like this we just need to begin with a high-resolution jpg image.

2. Christmas Ornaments with Custom Presidential Image
Christmas ornaments are one of the most popular gifts sold in museum gift stores. This silver medallion features the LBJ Presidential logo and is a wonderful keepsake.

3. Cuff Links, a gift that many men collect
I’ve learned that many men collect cuff links. These custom “links” call to mind a different era. The LBJ logo makes interesting cuff links.

4. Business Card Holders Custom Design
Business Card holders are so useful! I keep mine in my purse at all times. This custom design will be a conversation starter for business.

5. Photo Frames with Custom Logo
Photo Frames are a wonderful way to remember loved ones. This custom LBJ frame is also engravable.

6. Letter Opener Custom with LBJ logo
Classic Legacy letter openers can be customized with your logo or photograph. Just send us your jpg image and we will be able to send you a virtual screen sample and show you how it will look!

7. Money Clip with Custom Logo
Money clips can also be customized with your logo. This one has the LBJ logo.
Classic Legacy offers at NO CHARGE to create presentations using your logo, photo, or artwork. We just need to have your high-resolution jpg image and then we can create a custom presentation similar to this one that we did for the LBJ Presidential Library. Please do call with any questions that you may have. Ask for Catherine and I’ll be glad to help. 901 756 9339 catherine@classiclegacy.com