Marble wine bottle stoppers are the perfect gift to showcase art, photography, or logos. Wine bottle stoppers are very collectible as well. Therefore they are one of the most sought after custom personalized gifts that Classic Legacy creates. To create custom marble wine bottle stoppers the design begins with YOUR high-resolution jpeg image. Click here to view complete guidelines for creating custom gifts. I think the best way to understand how marble wine stoppers are an excellent gift choice it is best to SEE examples!
Marble Wine Bottle Stoppers | Museum Gallery Art
Art galleries and museums often request gifts that highlight their art. Visitors often want gifts that are useful AND showcase the art of the museum and gallery. Classic Legacy marble wine stoppers feature a 2″ chunk of marble. Your museum gallery art can be featured on the marble wine bottle stopper. This is a great way for clients to take home a memory of your museum or art gallery. Here are just a few of the bottle stoppers we have designed that feature museum gallery art.

Marble Wine Bottle stoppers | Architecture
Some of my favorite designs include wine bottle stopper designs that feature architecture. Many times a company is inspiring sales by offering a trip as an incentive reward. The wine bottle stopper featuring the architecture of The Sydney Opera House was designed as an incentive gift award. The bottle stopper featuring the architecture of a beautiful cathedral in Spain is the photography of a business owner showcasing travel. Elvis Presley Enterprises just opened a new luxury hotel called The Guest House. This wine bottle stopper features the architecture of this new hotel. The bottle stopper that looks like a castle is actually the Jasper County Courthouse in Missouri. The architecture of this building is well known and a landmark for the area. The Sun Valley roundhouse is a favorite spot for skiers and is well known for its architecture. Consider using photography and architecture to make your gifts stand out!

Marble Wine Bottle Stoppers | Photography
Marble wine bottle stoppers often showcase your favorite photos. Classic Legacy marble wine bottle stoppers feature photography that is in color, black/white, or sepia. The wine bottle stoppers featured include photos of The American Queen Steamboat Company, A.Schwab in Memphis, Beale Street in Memphis, and South Boulder Creek in Colorado.

Marble Wine Bottle Stoppers | Black White Logos
Your logo may be what your business is best known for. Use it! Here are some examples of black and white logos that I think look great embellishing Classic Legacy marble wine bottle stoppers. These are all well know hotel properties in the USA. Classic Legacy gifts are all designed and created in the USA.
Marble Wine Bottle Stoppers | Color Logos
Classic Legacy can print YOUR logo in color as well. I’ve found that often a simple and elegant logo makes a statement best. Remember that visitors and clients love useful as well as beautiful gifts and wine bottle stoppers are a great solution for custom personalized gifts. The Kapalua logo features the butterfly and if you look very carefully you will also see a pineapple! Big Cedar’s logo features a wonderful tree. New Orleans is celebrating 300 years. This colorful logo is really elegant. The Greenbrier logo is green of course! Colorful logos really make marble wine bottle stoppers a gift to remember.
Creating marble wine bottle stoppers with photography, logos, or art all begins with YOUR digital image. I am now offering to create a virtual image with your art on the marble bottle stopper so you can see how it will look. Click here or on the image below to receive the free offer.