My Mannequin Evergreen Tree Skirt is easy to make. It is always noticed! I collect ideas for retail display. Creative displays sell gifts and jewelry.
I spent a recent Saturday creating a display that is sure to draw attention and is a perfect way to highlight Classic Legacy necklaces. Click here to view the steps to create this evergreen mannequin.

I encourage you to make a Mannequin Evergreen Tree Skirt. This winter add an evergreen skirt to the mannequin. It will be noticed! I love to design custom gifts and jewelry you might even notice I love to use my mannequin in my studio for Facebook Live.
Creative retail displays help sell products! I look forward to continuing to find creative display ideas and to share them with you. Making the Mannequin Evergreen Tree Skirt was fun! Be sure to get our free eBook that is full of creative ideas to create custom gifts that help make your business stand out. Click here or on the photo below to receive the eBook.