I was a collector of memories in 1961. John Fitzgerald Kennedy had been elected President and his young family was of great interest to me. Caroline could have been my friend. What a lucky girl to have a pony like Macaroni and live in a big “White House”. My grandparents owned the local bookstore. The store sold not only books but also the top newspapers, magazines, and comics. Life and Look magazine were my favorites because of all the photographs. I was given a scrapbook and I filled it with photos that I thought were the important happenings of the year.

I knew that Kennedy was an important man and I especially thought the speech that he gave during the inauguration was wonderful. I remember that I even used the words “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” in an art project . My scrapbook helped me collect ideas. It was a way in 1961 to save things. Today Evernote and my Classic Legacy blog serve a similar purpose.

As the months went on I loved collecting photos of the Kennedy family. I also knew about the Cuban missile crisis and how important Kennedy was as our leader. I kept collecting photos for my scrapbook.

I’m glad I saved this scrapbook. It has been fun looking at all the memories 50 years later. Then that terrible day in 1963 came……I think everyone in my generation knows where they were that day. I was eating lunch and I can remember other students going up to the principal and asking him if it was true…..Had the President been shot?? What happened?? It was an unfolding of events that shocked our nation.
Now here I am in 2013. I have the opportunity to share memories and also serve The Sixth Floor Museum and jfk.org . The quote “Ask not your country can do for you….Ask what you can do for your country.” still is important today. Classic Legacy designed a collection of charms and medallions that celebrate the life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The large silver medallion/locket features the profile of JFK and then slides to open with the quote inside. The small charms show the profile of Kennedy. Classic Legacy charms have a special clip that makes them easy to attach to any of our bracelets or necklaces.

Classic Legacy specializes in creating custom gifts and jewelry for museums, hotels, resorts, and retailers. It is important to learn about the needs of our clients and develop jewelry and gifts that are unique and special. Let us all remember to “Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country.”