Displays are so important. Classic Legacy earrings are some of our best-selling items. We have new art inspired cards for each earring. Cards are each different and as a group make a statement of uniqueness and fun as well as fashion. Here are some things to remember when considering displays:
Color is important for Displays
We have found that color just catches everyone’s eye. Our new cards for the earrings are made of art paper. Each card is different and most have designs on the front as well as the back. We picked colors that everyone likes such as Peridot green, azure blue, peppermint pink, and butter yellow. Dots, stripes, swirls, and all sorts of patterns are included. It makes for a happy mix.

Function is important
Displays can look wonderful but if the customer has a difficult time actually reaching for the product you have defeated your purpose. Our colorful art cards have the classic J tab on the back. We order these by the thousands and they sure come in handy for so many displays. They work on almost all earring displays.

Height attracts attention and Saves Space
We know that retailers have limited counter space. That is why height for displays is always a good idea. This iron display has four sides that can be loaded with product. It is also a good design because it is tall and the footprint of counter space that it requires is small. Think about those things when you are looking for a display.