“I don’t have a theme or logo to produce personalized custom gifts.” That is a statement that I hear sometimes. With this in mind I would like to share with you how we have helped customers develop great gifts that often have turned out to be best sellers for our clients. These are some questions that we ask.
What landmark is special to your city?
Sometimes what is so familiar to us is overlooked as being special. Every locale has a landmark. Here are some of the answers I have received to this question…..our courthouse, the lake, and the clock. These are pretty simple landmarks but many times they really tell the story of the town and are wonderful landmarks to remember and use on custom gifts. Here are some photos of custom gifts that have been well received. To create a custom gift we just need a high-resolution JPEG image and then we can show you how the gifts will look with your image!

What Special Event is Important to You?
Special events are the spice of life. One of the first custom bottle stopper I did was for Rick Shaw who was King Antonio for the big celebration that takes place in San Antonio every year. It is expected that the “King” gives gifts to lots of people. Rick provided us with his “crest”. We were then able to reproduce that as a medallion for the Classic Legacy custom bottle stopper. Each year we also work with Krewes for their special events. Wine Carriers are great gift that will be used again and again. The Equestrian Olympics was a really big event and we created many equestrian gifts for this occasion. Think about your special events. Attendees want to remember these events and custom personalized gifts are the way to achieve this goal.

What Anniversary is approaching?
I try to get clients to think about anniversaries. Your business has an anniversary every year. Let your customers celebrate your anniversary with you! Luigi’s celebrated 100 years. Classic Legacy created a great custom marble coaster and marble bottle stopper using a vintage image of the founders.

Remember to think about these questions: 1. What is a special landmark for your area? 2. What special event is important to you? and 3. What anniversary do you celebrate. Custom personalized gifts set you apart and make your business memorable. We are here to help and answer any questions you may have. 888 645 3422