Each Fall in October for the past 27 years The Great Mississippi Hot Air Balloon Race takes place in Natchez, MS. This event attracts 30,000 people over a 3-day weekend. I have had the pleasure this year to work with Anna Byrne, the Manager of Tourist Services for the Natchez Visitor Center. She said, “Everyone likes to take some mementos back home with them.” These are the things I learned while creating gifts for the Natchez CVB and the Hot Air Balloon Festival.
History of Natchez
In 1932, antebellum homes began offering tours of their gardens. One day, some of the tourists were interested in seeing the inside of the homes, so the ladies thought why not? The home owners were surprised at how many people were interested, so they started having tours every year. It was 10 cents to tour each home in 1932. Today it is $12. The money collected is used for the upkeep of the homes. I first visited Natchez during the Spring 2012. What a truly lovely place! There are so many lovely homes, museums and shops. The festival features 50-70 balloon entries, music, a carnival, a sports bar tent, and wonderful food. Anna said, “The best thing we like about the balloon race is how family friendly it is. Whether you are 1 or 100, there is something for you to enjoy.”
Specific Needs of Natchez CVB
The Natchez Convention and Visitor’s Bureau is one of the first destinations for visitors. It is the place to get information concerning festivals, tours, shopping, and special events. So many people come and go that this is a very interesting place. Anna enjoys hearing the accents of people from around the world. She did tell me….”It never dawned on me that they like hearing MY accent as well. (I have that real Southern drawl!) How great it is that Anna knows what the visitors enjoy. Everyone likes to be able to take a memento back home. When choosing a vendor she looks locally first, then if possible from the Mississippi, but most importantly….”I listen for friendliness and ease of ordering.” It’s been a pleasure to work with Anna! She also emphasized that she could not do her job alone so thank you to all the employees at the Natchez CVB. Everyone does have a story to tell! These are some of the gifts and jewelry that you will find this year especially for the Hot Air Balloon festival!

Displays Created Especially for Natchez CVB
I have learned that Classic Legacy buyers love displays to help them showcase jewelry and gifts. Here are some of the displays that were shipped with the order to the Natchez Convention and Visitor’s Bureau.

It has been a pleasure to learn more about Natchez and to create custom gifts that visitors will be able to take with them as a remembrance of this special place. Let me know about your city and how we can serve your community.