Classic Legacy specializes in creating custom gifts. Our customers depend on us to be creative and to continually come up with fresh new ideas and products. I’ve been asked….”How do you stay creative? Where do you get inspirations?” I think one of the best boosts that I get that helps me stay creative is to DO something different. Last week I took a trip to the farm in Missouri. Spring is coming early this year and my sister and I decided to go and look at the natural spring that bubbles up every year in the front pasture. Each Spring in March or April or May watercress is abundant. This is my experience with watercress in March 2012.
Walk Outside
Walking outside is a boost in itself. Walking in the front pasture at the farm of my ancestors is a joy. We took Tipper our collie dog and walked down the hill to find the spring.

Observing Flowers Along the Way to Watercress
Spring flowers were just beginning to pop out. We saw the first daffodils and crocus and then in the midst of brown winter grass there was the first “crop” of watercress. Our rubber boots came in handy to stand in the wet earth and pull wonderful bundles of watercress.

We cut the watercress and brought it inside and cleaned it thoroughly. Watercress is high in fiber and high in vitamin C. Thanks to PBS food site we found a yummy recipe for a salad……and we had most of the key ingredients!

Einstein said, “Creativity is the residue of time wasted.” Steve Jobs is quoted, “Creativity is just connecting things.” I know as the designer and CEO of Classic Legacy Custom Gifts it is important for me to continue to be creative. This year a walk in the front pasture of the farm to discover watercress and then making a yummy salad has boosted my creativity! What gives you a boost to continue to do your best in your job? I would love to read your comments.