When I shop I love to see things that bring memories to mind. Retail stores that I love are like Summer memories. Summer is a time to “Live well, Laugh often, and Love much”. Summer is a time to dream.

Summer is a time to play tennis, sail, and spend time at The Lake.

Summer is a time to go to the farm. I am revived at the farm and love to be with family.

Summer is a time to take a break and just look around. When I go into stores I like to look at displays. I have begun a collection of ideas for retail displays. I take photos with my phone when I see interesting ideas. The perfect place to save these photos and ideas is Pinterest. Please visit my Pinterest Page to see all the displays. Here is a photo I snapped yesterday. An old small sink is a perfect place to hold products…..I can even imagine a mirror or shelf above for more displays.

So for me, my favorite retail stores are like summer. These stores always create happy memories and are places that I want to return to again and again. How do you think your store, museum, hotel, resort, website, or business helps create memories? Think about this and please share your ideas.
[…] is about to come to a close. I just wrote a post comparing how retail stores are like summer memories. Classic Legacy has a wonderful collection of Turquoise Gifts….necklaces, earrings, wine […]