Buyers connect with quotes! When Debbie Nutt, of the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, gave me a behind the scene tour she pointed out one item that was a very good seller. It was a t-shirt with images of women who were not “well-behaved”. They did make history. Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman were two of these women. She suggested that if I could develop gifts with this quote it would be a hit! It has proven to be a winner. These gifts are exclusive to The National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. Think about quotes that apply to your business. We can help you expand on a theme that works!
Quote Design
Custom gift design often begins with a quote. I have found that dark color backgrounds with white fonts seem to be most pleasing on custom gifts. If you need an idea for a quote, that might apply to your business or theme, feel free to use Classic Legacy as a resource. I have a section on the website devoted to inspiration. I post quotes that I especially like.
Many times museums, such as the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, relate very serious and thought-provoking messages. This quote falls into the category of being both fun and thought-provoking! Women and men love to laugh when reading this quote! It is the perfect quote and has a double meaning.

Presentation Pages
When our team at Classic Legacy creates a new theme or custom design we create presentation pages to showcase the design. The goal of each presentation is to show you how your quote or custom image will look on Classic Legacy gifts. Here is how one of the presentation pages for the quote “Well-behaved Women Seldom Make History” looks as we begin the process of creating a presentation. To create a presentation page it all begins with YOUR jpeg image. We then use Photoshop as well as Publisher to create presentation pages. Click here to learn about the guidelines to create custom gifts.

Chose Gifts That Work
These are some of the gifts that work for the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN.

Guidelines When Using Quotes for Custom Gifts
I have worked with many museums, hotels, boutiques, and corporations developing custom gifts. When using quotes here are some guidelines and tips that I’ve found work best:
- Choose a quote that makes people remember you and your business.
- Short quotes work best.
- Make sure the font you choose is readable at a glance.
- Develop a group of products with your quote and make a statement.
- Don’t be afraid to make suggestions concerning possible new products……I’m open to your ideas!
- Ask for a presentation so you can visualize how your quote will look on gifts.
To view detailed guidelines click here. We discuss what the minimum order quantities are and also production time. Please do let me know if you have any questions. I love quotes and think it is a great way to create a statement for your business.