Did you know that you have what you need to create a Signature Custom Gift Collection at your finger tips? Click here to receive a free eBook that highlights how to create custom gifts with YOUR historic images. Think about the history of your business, your hotel, or your museum. I work with many organizations who own fabulous historic art or wonderful vintage photos. Use your history to your advantage! The team at Classic Legacy can help you develop a signature line by using YOUR high resolution jpeg historical images. You simply email us the images. Click here to learn more about the guidelines. Following are examples of how Classic Legacy clients are using their history to create custom gifts.
Historic Paintings
The Belle Meade Plantation owns a painting of race-horse Iroquois. This horse won the English Derby years ago and it is one of their signature pieces of art. To begin the process of creating custom gifts from a historic image Classic Legacy simply needs a high resolution jpeg image. The entire collection of custom gifts for Belle Meade Plantation can be viewed here.
Vintage Photographs
The Hotel Del Coronado was established in 1888. They have wonderful vintage photos of that time period. Classic Legacy took those jpeg images and created these wonderful marble bottle stoppers. Marble coasters are also available with these vintage images. It all begins with YOUR jpeg image.

Historic Sketches
The Anderson County Museum developed their custom gift collection from a collection of historic sketches. Think outside of the box! We have discovered that everyone loves HISTORY!
Historic Portraits
One of the most fun projects that Classic Legacy has done are the marble coasters for Berkshire Hathaway. Borsheims Jewelry store furnished the portraits of Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett. Look how we the BRK logos, historic portraits, and cartoon image for a great custom gift!

Vintage Postcards
Vintage postcards can also be scanned to get a high resolution jpeg image. The postcard is from the Curt Teich collection. Everyone in Texas can relate to this historic Texas image and it is just fun to create a signature collection around vintage postcards.
Vintage Medallions
I collect vintage medallions! Sometimes I am able to reproduce vintage medallions that are perfect for clients. The JFK in Dallas Texas was able to use this classic historic medallion for the signature gift collection.
Think about YOUR history and how you can use it to tell YOUR story. Click here to get your free eBook that is full of ideas to inspire you! Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forwad to serving you! Catherine Tatum 901-756-9339