Nature gives me a boost and helps me to create custom gifts. I took a break today and went on a long walk along the Wolf River in Memphis. The Wolf River is in the middle of Memphis but this trail/walkway has been preserved to showcase the natural beauty of this area. I salute the Wolf River conservatory for preserving, protecting, and restoring one of our community’s natural resources….the Wolf River. Nature is inspiring! Here are some photos from today’s walk.
Wolf River
The Wolf River is nearby. The river itself is not very wide or deep now. The trail that I walked on was beautiful! This stream is pleasant and so peaceful. I relaxed and saw nature at its best.
I was delighted to see so many wild flowers still in bloom. This blue morning glory is one of my favorites.
The wind was really blowing today and leaves are beginning to fall. I love the fall color. These leaves are beautiful. One of the bottle stoppers that I have designed has a Fall theme.
The thistles were in bloom today. I’ve never seen so many. This is the Scottish flower and I’ve used this design on many of my Classic Legacy Scottish theme gifts. It was great to see a real thistle today.
I used to see polk berries in the Fall when I was growing up in Missouri. I had forgotten about them! My father used to tell me that the Indians used them for medicine and to dye cloth. I sort of thought that was a folk tale but I think he was right. I did some quick research and found this interesting article that supports that idea…..I don’t know whether it is true or not but interesting. At any rate these berries have inspired others to create medicines and colorful threads.I hope you take time to get inspired by nature from time to time. I know this walk along the Wolf River has inspired me to be more creative and enable me to continue to be enthusiastic about designing custom gifts.