United Parcel Service recently announced that shippers can now create custom labels. I learned this week how to add the Classic Legacy logo to the top of each shipping label. This allows our logo to be seen on the outside of each box shipped. I really do like the added visibility of the Classic Legacy logo. Some business lessons that were reinforced through this process include:
Customer Service is Valuable
I knew that I wanted to create my custom label and although I’m pretty good at following instructions I needed help with this process. UPS customer service was a model to me. I had questions about where to go in the WorldShip application to make the custom label. Each time I called, and I called several times,I received excellent advice and they were very patient.
Share Good News and Tips
When I completed this update I thought it would be a really valuable tip for many small businesses. I shared my new-found ability to create a custom label for Classic Legacy via Facebook and Twitter. I was thanked by many.

Learn from Peers
The most important thing that I learned from this experience however was to learn from my peers. One of our Facebook followers shared the following: “The logo is a great branding op but the fact that it says “gifts & jewelry” may increase theft of the packages. I’m a jeweler & in a master mind group and it was a topic that came up. Many have had packages opened and/or stolen completely because somewhere along the shipping line an employee of the shipping company helped themselves to what was inside. We have all taken any reference to jewelry off our shipping packaging. Company name fine / clue to contents, not so good. Just thought I’d share & save you trouble down the road. Meant with support & love!” Wow, I think I will only include my Logo on the custom label. This is how the custom label looks now.

I encourage you to create a custom logo and feel free to email me or call if you have any questions.
Catherine 888 645 3422 catherine@classiclegacy.com