The WOW experience is important to customers. This is the time of changing retail. Custom Gifts are a wonderful vehicle to achieve this goal. Classic Legacy clients have found these trends to be true……Customers:
- Enjoy participating in the shopping experience. More and more the customer wants a say in the design of the product. Think about examples such as choosing what ingredients go in your gourmet coffee or choosing a monogram for clothing……or being able to create a custom gift with your company logo. We just shipped 60 custom stoppers to NYC webstore for their client who was hosting a trip to Spain. The customer participated by providing this image and we were able to create a unique and memorable gift.
Spain Minnesota Life Bottle Stopper - Seek Exclusivity. Because of unlimited selection and having that feeling of too many choices customers often desire exclusive gifts. When I work with a new client and one of the first things they often asked is; “How many other retailers in my area carry Classic Legacy products?” I respond honestly and say we have an open line but our custom gift line would be perfect to create exclusive gifts. The Hotel Del Coronado exclusive custom Classic Legacy photo frame is a best seller.
Hotel Del Custom Photo Frame by Classic Legacy - Expect Stellar Customer Service. We value customer service also and realize that by helping you provide special products and services we are all winners! Borsheims Jewelry Store recently commissioned Classic Legacy to create this custom notepad for the Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder’s. With our short turn around time to create custom gifts Classic Legacy helps you provide excellent customer service.
Notepad Custom Berkshire Hathaway by Classic Legacy - Want Sensory Experiences. I had not really thought of this until it was confirmed to me when I read the book “The New Rules of Retail” by Lewis and Dart. The authors describe this as the neurological experience that keeps the customer coming back to your store …..and they remember that special smell, wonderful sight, pleasant music, or tasty treat. When I think of memories like this I think of The Peabody and Lansky’s at The Peabody. This marble coaster helps me remember all the fond memories I’ve had there……seeing the ducks, smelling the flowers, and hearing the music.
Marble Coaster The Peabody Memphis We are introducing a new category this spring…….Custom Cuff Links. These are going to be a hit! I told one buyer “Cuff Links are coming back!”…….his reply was “They have never gone away.”….I’m glad! Custom cuff links will also help create that sensory experience.
Custom Cuff Links The Peabody by Classic Legacy Let us help you create that WOW experience that your customers are demanding! Send us your jpeg image and at NO CHARGE we will send you a screen sample with YOUR image ! Give us a call and we will guide you in the process of creating custom gifts. 888 645 3422