Instagram is such a great way to connect and learn with others. One of my connections is Amanda Zimmerman and her Instagram handle is @Dresses.With.Pockets. Today is her 23rd birthday and she has declared it #DressesWithPocketsDay. Happy Birthday to you Amanda! Amanda is on a 4 month journey to discover 4 cities in 4 months and learn along the way what path her life should take. Her journey is inspirational and I just admire her courage and passion to do this!
How I took a Photo of Dresses with Pockets
When I decided to post today and wish Amanda Happy Birthday I thought sure….I’ll take a photo of myself with a dress that has pockets…..well easier said than done! Here is the process I took. It turns out I don’t have many dresses with pockets!

I decided to get creative! My assistant Dianne helped in the process. She drew these pockets and added the blue stitching. (You never know what creative task might be asked of you in the Classic Legacy studio.) I then had the idea to add one of our new Accents by Classic Legacy.
We attached these pockets to the dress with double sided tape! Then it was time for photos to celebrate #DressesWithPocketsDay. Here’s to you Amanda, Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday Amanda. I do love my connections on Instagram and encourage you to follow me there. I have two accounts @ClassicLegacy and @AccentsByClassicLegacy I was a participant in the Creative Live class that Sue Zimmerman taught last fall. Amanda is Sue’s daughter. Many of the techniques I’ve learned in Instagram are from her teachings and her courses. Be sure to follow both @suebzimmerman @theinstagramexpert and @dresses.with.pockets !