Classic Legacy serves by creating luxury personalized gifts that help business owners stand out and get noticed. Hotels, resorts, wineries, corporations, art galleries, casinos, museums, golfers, and equestrians seek out Classic Legacy for personalized gifts.
Classic Legacy Serves Hotels
Hotels and resorts stand out and get noticed with custom gifts. The Waldorf Astoria, The Broadmoor, The Hotel Monteleone, The Hotel Del Coronado, The Peabody Hotel, The Brown Hotel, and many other historical and luxury hotels seek out personalized gifts for their guests. Classic Legacy is the go-to source for custom gifts.
Classic Legacy Serves Wineries
Classic Legacy serves boutique wineries as well as large signature wineries. Wineries love custom wine accessories that include logos and photographs. EJ Gallo, The Winery at Holy Cross, and Cooper’s Hawk Winery are some of the wineries that Classic Legacy serves.
Classic Legacy Serves Art Galleries
Many art galleries like to give their patrons a special thank-you gift during the holiday season. Custom gifts created for art galleries feature art that is owned by the gallery. Personalized gifts for art galleries get noticed!
Classic Legacy Serves Museums
Museums like Elvis Presley Enterprises and the Sid Richardson Museum have commissioned Classic Legacy to create custom gifts. Gifts for museums feature art, photographs, and logos that are exclusive.
Classic Legacy Serves Corporations
Corporations such as Berkshire Hathaway and The YMCA have sought out Classic Legacy to create custom gifts. Personalized gifts for corporations are often given as thank you gifts to board members and shareholders. Custom gifts for corporations stand out!
Classic Legacy Serves Equestrians
Equestrians love their horses! Equestrians also seek out unique personalized gifts that feature their sport. Keeneland, The Del Mar Horse Show, and The American Quarter Horse Association are all businesses that have sought out Classic Legacy custom gifts.
Classic Legacy Serves Casinos
Casinos seek out custom gifts. High rollers love to be appreciated by casinos. The Venetian and The Wynn are two casinos that have commissioned Classic Legacy to create custom gifts.
Classic Legacy Serves Golfers
Golf tournaments require gifts for many levels of winners as well as participants. Classic Legacy wine accessories are favorite gifts for golfers. Lumpy’s Golf, Ponte Vedra, and The Women’s Golf Association of Southern California are all groups that have commissioned custom gifts.
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