This year the Classic Legacy team came up with a fun way to celebrate. We go out and have lunch ….then do something fun ….a request from the person celebrating. Dianne said she wanted us to play Skittles. I had never heard of this game. It is SO much fun. Nothing electronic or fancy about this! We found out we were all very competitive.
Beverly’s turn was next. Lunch was fun and here is a photo of Dianne, Beverly, and Jeanne. They are all pros with Classic Legacy.
You will never guess what fun thing Beverly thought of for us to do…..ZUMBA! Beverly goes to Zumba class several days a week for fantastic exercise. Believe it or not she got us to go. Although I took a photo of the Classic Legacy team at Zumba you will just have to imagine us there. It was a riot.
The next birthday that Classic Legacy will celebrate is in October and then another in December. One of those is mine and I’m thinking hard about what fun thing to do to celebrate. I think it is important to take time to celebrate during the work day. What do you do with your team to create fun and memories? I do look forward to your comments. One of our most popular bottle stoppers is the birthday theme. Team this up with a bottle of wine and celebrate!