Fifteen years ago my business took a new direction. Wine charms were “the thing”. I had been creating jewelry and gifts for several years; as a result I had excellent resources for plating and model making. I knew that these resources, coupled with supplies that I had on hand would allow me to enter the wine charm market. We did enter that market and with great success!
Wine Charms
Classic Legacy still creates wine charms for many customers. Our niche is to find our customer’s need and to fill that need. The wine charms below designed for the Louis M. Martini division of E.J. Gallo shipped just last week. They are designed with specific charms and a logo that fits the customer’s specific needs. Our wine charms are not just “plain” wine charms. So, while the market for wine charms has had its ups and downs, Classic Legacy has continued to supply our customers with products designed just for them!
Wine Accessories
I began to work with many wineries and saw a need for more wine accessories. I realized wine bottle stoppers, wine coolers, wine carriers, and wine coasters would all be great gifts to complement the Classic Legacy line. These wine accessories are now our best sellers. The key is listening so that I can meet needs of retailers. Classic Legacy now has a large open line of wine accessories. We have over 350 styles of wine bottle stoppers and many of these fill a niche that no one else is meeting.

Did you know that these purple wine carriers (plain) are on sale! If you purchase 50 they are only $5 each. Be sure to get in on the good deal! Classic Legacy also embellishes wine carriers. We use our silver medallions to embellish the carriers and create gifts that meet a niche need.
Custom Gifts
Through the years I have discovered that what I enjoy doing the most is creating custom gifts for retailers. I find that I can meet very specific needs by creating custom gifts. Classic Legacy is the go to source for custom personalized gifts. Custom gift creation begins with YOUR logo. Classic Legacy creates medallions using images of your logo, painting, or photograph. Click here to view guidelines when we use your jpeg image. Since I also work with a master model maker we also can create custom medallion from pewter and enamel. Click here to view guidelines for the pewter medallion process. These are examples of custom gifts that we recently designed. Customers tell me it is more involved to create custom gifts but once that process is done custom gifts are like an annuity that keeps paying you back.

New Direction for 2014
The direction I am moving is to create more custom gifts and jewelry for retailers. I look forward to working with YOU on a individual basis. I enjoy serving retailers, hotels, resorts, and museums. That is my niche!

Please call me with any questions. Classic Legacy is the GO TO SOURCE for custom gifts! 901 756 9339