Artists have many goals. One that I often hear is to create something of beauty that will be enjoyed and appreciated by many. Sometimes that last part of the goal is hard to achieve…….how can art be appreciated by many? One way this can be accomplished is by art being reproduced on many types of objects. Art then becomes part of many lives. Classic Legacy is helping artists achieve this goal by enabling them to easily have their original art reproduced on gifts. Take a look at this portfolio of custom gifts.

Sharon Furrate is the Classic Legacy representative for the state of Louisiana. She is a wonderful artist also! Her pelican painting is known as “Just Chillin” and the other painting shown in the catalog is “Gumbo Ya Ya”. We have many examples of wonderful custom personalized gifts embellished with images of original art. Everyone loves our custom bottle stoppers. They are our best-selling category. We have created many different kinds of art and look forward to serving you so you can expand your reach as an artist.

As you can see we work with many different types of art. To begin, just email us a high-resolution art image. We then work our magic, create a presentation for you, and then you let us know what custom personalized gifts that you would like to order. Remember if you do at least 60 gifts there is no set up fee……and it does not have to be 60 pieces of one item… can choose from many gifts and jewelry in our collection.
Do give me a call at 888 645 3422 or email and we will be glad to answer any questions that you might have. I look forward to serving you and your customers!