Flower displays help retailers stand out! I grew up with flowers. Flowers bring happiness and cheer. My mother has flowers all year-long in her yard and gardens. This year I asked for tulip bulbs for my birthday in October. Now I’m celebrating my birthday present! Flowers make me happy and they are great for business. I like to use flowers in many ways. Here are 5 ways that I’ve used flowers to draw attention and bring cheer. I use Pinterest to collect ideas and have posted these photos on Pinterest. Be sure to follow Classic Legacy on Pinterest!
1. Flower Displays Accent Bracelets
My grandfather learned “basket weaving” as a young boy. This bottle was actually an old milk bottle and the wicker basket was woven around it. My mother gave this to me years ago and I love it. Flower displays bring attention to Classic Legacy bracelets! Click on the photo above and enjoy the music. It is my first “Flipagram”. Click here to receive our free eBook of 43 custom gift ideas.
2. Flower Displays Accent Necklaces

3. Flower Displays | Wine Coolers

4. Flower Displays | Easter Egg Small Glass

5. Flower Displays Celebrate Spring & Wine

Even adding flowers to the Classic Legacy workroom brings cheer. Lots of drawers and shelves are full of findings to create custom gifts. #MakingTheOrdinaryExtraordinary We look forward to working with you to create unique custom gifts. I love to create custom gifts and have a free resource of 43 PROVEN ideas that I would like for you to have. Click here or on the arrow below to receive the free resource.