History is what makes us who we are today. Beverly Childs, the Executive Director of the Anderson County Museum, does a wonderful job of connecting the past to the present and creating a place where visitors find meaning in learning. She researched their museum history collection and found images of the South Carolina palmetto and the South Carolina state seal. These are wonderful symbols that connect residents to South Carolina. Beverly wanted to create gifts for the museum that reflected the South Carolina and palmetto theme. These are the steps that were taken to make this possible.
Email High-Resolution Images
It all begins with an email of high-resolution historical images. These images can be vintage scanned photographs, images from an old book, or images from a painting. Beverly emailed about ten images and we collaborated and choose five that we felt would work best. These are the five images as they look on the marble coasters.

Free Custom Presentation
We create a presentation for each buyer of custom gifts. This presentation is free of charge. The Classic Legacy presentation shows what our gifts will look like with your custom image. The presentation for the Anderson County Museum was three pages. This is one of the pages.

Select Custom Gifts for Your Museum
After reviewing the presentation it is time to decide which gifts you would like to use for your museum. Classic Legacy has low minimums and all our gifts are designed and made in the USA. To view our guidelines and pricing information click here. I have enjoyed working with Beverly and The Anderson County Museum. The South Carolina Seal has the Latin words, “Animis Opibusque Parati”, which means “Prepared in Mind and Resources” and “Dum Spiro Spero” which means “While I Breathe I Hope”. What a good thing to remember today…..history does connect!

I look forward to answering any questions you may have. I also look forward to creating personalized custom gifts for you!