I have found that hotels that have a theme are able to market themselves well. The Peabody Hotel in Memphis is wonderful example of marketing with a theme. Everyone knows that The Peabody in Memphis is famous for the ducks that can be found swimming in the hotel lobby. The tradition began in 1932 and has continued to this day. The “duck” theme is evident everywhere in the hotel and serves as a reminder of the good times at The Peabody. We at Classic Legacy have enjoyed serving Lansky’s at the Peabody for many years. Here are some of the ways they have incorporated the duck theme.
Wine Bottle Stoppers & The Peabody Ducks
Classic Legacy had a custom charm made with the logo of The Peabody and the ducks. These bottle stoppers have gone home with visitors from all over the world.

Marble Coasters & The Peabody Ducks
These marble coasters are just perfect for both hot and cold drinks. Classic Legacy can print any JPEG image on these marble coasters. This photo of the fountain and the ducks at The Peabody is a reminder of good times in Memphis.

Wine Charms & The Peabody Ducks
Classic Legacy was one of the first designers to create wine charms. These nifty little charms serve to identify wine glasses. The custom charms were made just for Lansky’s at The Peabody.

When you come to Memphis be sure to stay at The Peabody. If you are visiting family be sure to come see the ducks and have fun exploring the lobby and Lansky’s Gift Shop. I definitely think hotels that market with a theme stand out and are remembered.